Hernias are small gaps in the abdominal wall where intestines and other internal organs have popped through. When these internal organs get trapped in the gap, it can cause a tugging sharp pain and an unseemly bulge around the stomach or groin region. Other symptoms include:
- Aching and sharp pain
- Pain that worsens with physical activity
- A feeling of pressure in the painful region
- Burning sensation (for women)
- A bulge at the site of pain (for abdominal hernias)
Hernia requires surgical treatment in order for symptoms to subside. However, in order to make certain that you are making the right decision, it is important to ask these questions before selecting your hernia surgeon.
When do I need to get hernia surgery?
While all Hernias require surgery at some point, there is usually no need to call 911. Most cases of Hernia’s, especially Hernias that are small and stay the same size, won’t require surgery right away. However, if your Hernia becomes strangulated by the muscle around your hernia, it can cause serious complications.
If you develop these symptoms call a doctor right away:
- A bulge that is worsening in pain and does not reduce in size while resting
- Nausea and vomiting
- Bloating
- Racing heart rate
- Fever
What questions should I ask prior to surgery?
Important questions to ask before any surgical treatment include what type of surgery your surgeon recommends. Important details to ask about include:
- What are the risk factors associated with my surgery?
- What are the potential complications with my surgery?
- How long will my surgery take to heal?
While it might seem embarrassing or even insulting to ask your surgeon about their experience level and how risky the surgery is, but you’re the one getting the surgery. Any good surgeon should handle these questions in a friendly and honest manner to keep your mind at ease that you’re getting the best possible treatment you can.
How to determine what makes a good Hernia Surgeon?
Nearly all Hernia Specialists will be able to provide you with adequate care for your Hernia. However, perks to look out for in a Hernia Specialist include:
- Access to weight loss specialists and coaching in the case of obesity-related hernias
- Experience with minimally invasive surgical techniques
- Education and Experience
What makes Surgery Group of LA a good choice for Hernia Repair?
Surgeons at the Surgery Group of LA work out of the Cedar Sinai’s West Tower in Los Angeles, one of the most accredited and respected organizations around the world. They have access to the cutting edge in research in a variety of surgical specialties including Hernia Repair and working to develop safer and stronger surgical repairs every day.
If you or a loved one is suffering from symptoms of a hernia, talk to a medical professional today.